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Governance & Compliance 

This page covers:

 REGULATIONS RFU Regulations – your resource for the rules and regulations of rugby union in England.

SAFEGAURDINGChildren are the lifeblood of the game and it is crucial that they are cared for in the correct manner. The CB's Safeguarding Children Policy sets out the key principles as well as providing best practice guidance.




​Rugby union is a sport which involves physical contact and, as such, presents inherent dangers. It is very important to play the game in accordance with the laws and be mindful of player welfare at all times.

It is the responsibility of players to ensure that they are physically and technically prepared to play within the laws and are committed to participate in accordance with safe practices and enjoyment.

It is the responsibility of those who coach or teach the game to ensure that players are prepared to comply with the laws, to play fairly and practice safe conduct.

It is the duty of the referee to apply fairly all the laws in every match, including law trials and variations as authorised by World Rugby.

It is the duty of the unions to ensure that the game at every level is conducted in accordance with disciplined and sporting behaviour.

The principle of fair play cannot be upheld solely by the referee. Responsibility for its observance also rests on unions, clubs, other affiliated bodies, coaches and players.


Everyone shares the responsibility for safeguarding and creating safe environments in rugby union whether as a parent, coach, spectator or club official.  

All should operate within an accepted ethical framework and demonstrate exemplary behaviour to both safeguard children and protect all personnel from allegations of abuse or poor practice. 

Children, who are anyone under the age of 18, must be cared for i n the correct manner, as set out in the RFU Safeguarding Children Policy. 


More information can be found at: England Rugby





RugbySafe provides guidance and resources for all rugby activity organisers on what needs to be in place. It is recognised that mental and physical wellbeing go hand in hand with developing a positive player welfare culture and keeping the rugby community healthy.


Clubs and all organisers of rugby activities have a responsibility towards the health and safety of players, staff and volunteers. Appropriate measures for training, first aid provision and equipment should be in place to ensure that rugby union is delivered to the highest standards in a safe and enjoyable environment.


RugbySafe information

A lot of RugbySafe information is now within the KYBO section of the RFU website.


In there are 10 separate toolkits to help you understand and deliver RugbySafe. These include – Being RugbySafe; RugbySafe essential guides; Forms and resources; Injury reporting and Incident recording; Community Rugby First Aid provision and information; First Aid training resources; Immediate Care practitioner information and training; Headcase; Activate; Mental wellbeing; Research.


There is also a link to a number of videos about various aspects of player safety.


Emergency First Aid Courses

This season, regulation within Age Grade Rugby became mandatory this. Although it has been known for a number of seasons it is appreciated that adequate numbers of First Aiders may take some time to be trained. There are a number of RFU course tutors within and near Durham. You can make initial contact to arrange a course using the link to the map below.   The RFU is currently recruiting more tutors for these courses. Also there is funding available through both the RFU and Durham for the RFU courses.


EFARU Educator Map.


Risk Assessment

This is an essential task this season. It will assist clubs to create a development plan on how they will become compliant with Regulation 9. All Clubs within the CB will be asked to complete a Risk Assessment each year. There is a tool provided by Howdens in association with England Rugby to help with the completion of this. The risk assessment proforma can be accessed at The England Rugby Insurance Centre.

We are aware of issues with this platform – the current advice is to print off and complete as a hard copy until the situation is resolved.




The RFU now work with London Heart to supply defibrillators to clubs. This organisation is also prepared to give advice to clubs about service and upkeep of their current device.


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