RugbySafe and Safeguarding cluster meetings across Durham County
RugbySafe and Safeguarding cluster meetings across Durham County
Following on from the success of the Durham CB RugbySafe and Safeguarding launch at Houghton RUFC back in September, we have decided that we will host a number of cluster meetings across the CB in the coming months covering both RugbySafe and Safeguarding in our clubs.
The meetings are design to see how we as CB representatives can help develop player welfare and safeguarding in your clubs. As well as being able to answer any questions you may have, share any models of good practice across the clubs and any updates that we have.
The meetings will take place on the following dates starting at 7pm:
Monday 28th January at Ryton RFC
Monday 11th February at Sunderland RFC
Monday 25th February at Darlington Mowden Park RFC
Monday 11th March at Billingham RFC
If every club could please endeavour to send at least one member to your cluster meeting. If you cannot attend your cluster meeting please try and attend another cluster meeting.
Can we please ask that you respond to stating who from your club will be attending the meeting and at which venue.
In the meantime please do not hesitate to contact either Chris Simpson CB RugbySafe Lead or Paul Geehan Safeguarding Officer